A highly interactive training course on

The Complete Course in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Protecting Your Organisation in Turbulent Times
Coventry Academy -  The Complete Course in Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Course Schedules

 01-05 Jul 2024

Training course overview

Post pandemic, have you and your colleagues adjusted for the “new normal”?

To put ERM in its simplest form it means You are learning to expect the unexpected. It means that You, the ERM or project manager, must start your team thinking about risk, prevention, and “what if” scenarios at the start of project planning, not when an incident occurs.

There is now an urgent need for you and your team to rapidly revise your risk criteria and relevant mitigation plans.  Without doubt, 2020 indicated that every business confronted an array of unexpected risks. 

Your investment in attending these five intensive days on Enterprise Risk Management will challenge you to think creatively on improving your risk-taking capabilities, allowing you and your organization to prepare for the next unexpected turn of events, to benefit from new opportunities facing your industry, minimizing risks and extra costs - before they happen.

What are the goals?

By the end of this Coventry Academy online training course, you will be able to:

  • Apply the necessary expertise in implementing a complete ERM process
  • Effectively oversee a vibrant ERM and Business Resilience culture
  • Identify and evaluate your ERM frameworks and practices
  • Understand the changes in ERM practices as a result of the global paradigm shift
  • Comprehend mechanisms of resilient corporate governance & its relationship to ERM
  • Guide Organizational Deployment

Who is this training course for?

This Coventry Academy online training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Practitioners & implementers requiring new thinking post pandemic
  • Designated Incident, Emergency & Crisis Response Managers
  • Line & Project Managers who need to ensure that they are effectively managing risk
  • Professionals who want a practical starting point for establishing an effective ERM
  • Business Continuity Managers
  • Anyone involved in implementing a Business Resilience framework

Course Outline

Amongst a wide range of valuable topics, the following will be prioritised:
  • Objectives, governance, concepts & definitions of the whole ERM process
  • Mapping and assessing Your current governance and risk arrangements
  • An overview of the global post pandemic business risk environment
  • Enterprise Risk Management – The Resilient Organisation
  • The importance of culture & communications in seeking an effective ERM structure.
  • ERM responsibilities – who does what, who is on the team, who are the stakeholders?
  • Risk attitude: pursue, retain or avoid with respect to risk appetite and tolerance
  • Fundamental principles of Business Continuity Management
  • Incident and emergency response management (including mutual aid)
  • Ensuring ERM becomes part of significant decision-making

The certificate

  • Coventry Academy e-Certificate of Attendance will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the course

Coventry Academy
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