A Highly Interactive Training Course On

Best Practices of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Projects

Best Practices of Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Projects
Course Schedule


10-14 Feb 2025
03-07 Nov 2025
  • Coventry Academy Certificate of Attendance will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the course

Training Overview

Training Overview

The increasing gap between the discovery of giant oil fields and global oil demand presents significant opportunities for the application of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) techniques in mature oil fields. This training course offers participants a comprehensive understanding of the various design aspects, types, screening criteria, and field applications of both current and advanced EOR processes.

In this dynamic program, attendees will explore an integrated approach to water flooding and EOR, linking reservoir principles to real-world field case results. The course covers key specifics of chemical, miscible, and thermal EOR processes, fostering an interactive learning environment through lectures, industry videos, and detailed case studies. Join us to enhance your knowledge and skills in optimizing oil recovery in mature fields!

What are the goals?

By attending this training course, you should achieve these goals:

  • Describe and apply different EOR processes
  • Reservoir characterization and screening actual fields for EOR methods
  • How to maximize oil recovery using Mobility Ratio and Capillary Number
  • Chemical EOR: polymer, alkaline-polymer, and alkaline/surfactant/polymer
  • Miscible and thermal EOR techniques and new advancements in EOR techniques

Who is this Training Course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Petroleum, Production & Reservoir Engineers
  • Processing engineers & other discipline engineers
  • Geologists & Petro physicists
  • Engineers who are new to the profession
  • Other individuals who need to know about EOR technologies

The Course Content

Among a range of valuable topics, the following will be given high priority:
  • Different enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods
  • Limitations, challenges, uncertainties and problems of different EOR methods
  • Reservoir concepts, main rock and fluid properties for EOR
  • Advanced reservoir characterization techniques for EOR methods
  • Water flooding: design requirement, frontal displacement theory
  • Classification and screening of different chemical EOR methods
  • Miscible gas EOR: CO2 and Nitrogen injection methods
  • Determination of minimum miscibility pressure (MMP)
  • Thermal processes; cyclic and continuous steam injection
  • Microbial EOR, Enzyme EOR, and Low Salinity Water (LSW)