دورة تدريبية تفاعلية للغاية حول

تعزيز الأداء التشغيلي

Putting World-Class Improvement Methodologies into Practice
Coventry Academy -  Boosting Operational Performance

جداول الدورات

نظرة عامة على الدورة التدريبية

In a rapidly changing world, the drive to deliver faster, cheaper and right-first-time has never been greater. Meeting the rising demands of our customers and stakeholders requires smarter, more streamlined processes that minimize friction and empower people to do a great job.

Through this highly practical training course, you will learn how to apply world-class improvement tools and methodologies, and gain experience of identifying improvement opportunities and using practical techniques to deliver them. This Coventry Academy online training course will help you align business performance to organisational strategy, eliminate waste and deliver more effective customer service. It will help you build business processes from the ground up, remove barriers that currently hold people back, and deliver measurable benefits in terms of time, cost and quality.

ما هي الأهداف؟

By attending this Coventry Academy online training course, you should achieve these goals:

  • Locate and quantify operational performance improvements
  • Identify and eliminate waste and reduce cycle times
  • Identify and address the root causes of current performance problems
  • Re-design your operational processes
  • Deliver what your internal and external customers want better, fast and cheaper
  • Measure the business benefits delivered through your improvement efforts
  • Get your people on board so that improvement sticks and benefits last

لمن هذه الدورة التدريبية؟

This Coventry Academy online training course is designed for a wide range of professionals involved in the budget process, including, but not limited to:

  • Engineers
  • قادة الفرق
  • Middle Managers
  • Department Heads
  • المدراء العامون
  • Performance improvement specialists
  • مدراء المشاريع

مخطط الدورة

من بين مجموعة واسعة من الموضوعات القيمة ، سيتم إعطاء الأولوية لما يلي:
  • Discovering improvement opportunities by ‘Going to the Gemba’ and asking effective questioning
  • Observation techniques
  • Quantifying performance improvement opportunities and cost savings
  • Reducing cycle times and increasing throughput
  • Optimizing Prime Movers
  • Removing bottlenecks
  • Increasing Utilization and ProductivityAm
  • Collecting data on current and potential Efficiency
  • The 5S improvement approach
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • The principles of process mapping and process re-engineering
  • Eliminating the 7 Wastes
  • Discovering improvement opportunities through observation and practical questioning
  • Quantifying performance improvement opportunities
  • Analyzing performance data and presenting it in a compelling way
  • Empowering employees through performance data
  • Pareto Analysis
  • Zoning and flow techniques


  • Coventry Academy e-Certificate of Attendance will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the course

أكاديمية كوفنتري
عادة ما يتم الرد في غضون ساعة

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