The Process Utility Systems training course will highlight the significance and relevance of process utilities in modern industrial operations. It will familiarize participants with best practices for selecting, operating, and maintaining equipment used in process utilities. The course will also demonstrate how these utility systems are effectively integrated into oil and gas facilities. Additionally, it will cover key practical aspects that engineers and operators need to manage their basic utilities, including equipment maintenance and troubleshooting.
The material presented will help participants understand globally recognized guidelines and practices related to efficiency improvement, optimization, and safety considerations. Several hands-on workshops with real-world examples will be conducted, allowing participants to collaborate as a team to solve problems. These workshops will reinforce the concepts discussed and provide valuable experience in applying them.
This Process Utility Systems training course will feature:
By attending this Coventry Academy training course, you should achieve these goals:
This Coventry Academy training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:
This Process Utility Systems training course will be conducted along workshop principles with formal lectures and interactive worked examples. The emphasis in the course will be on the explanation of all technical phenomena and providing answers to problems that are encountered in everyday industrial practice. Each learning point will be combined with practical examples. There will be ample opportunities for active discussion that will help solidify the gained knowledge. All course materials will be provided.