A highly interactive training course on

Agile Project Budgeting Master Class

Coventry Academy -  Agile Project Budgeting Master Class

Course Schedules

 19-23 Aug 2024
 04-08 Nov 2024
 03-07 Feb 2025

Training course overview

Welcome to the Agile Project Budgeting Master Class! This comprehensive 5-day training course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage budgets in Agile projects.

In today's dynamic and fast-paced business environment, organizations are increasingly adopting Agile methodologies to enhance project delivery and respond quickly to changing requirements. However, traditional project budgeting approaches often fall short in the Agile context, as they are unable to accommodate the iterative and adaptive nature of Agile projects.

During this master class, we will explore various topics, starting with the fundamentals of Agile project budgeting. We will delve into estimation techniques specific to Agile projects and how to effectively plan budgets based on these estimates. Additionally, we will examine the unique challenges and considerations related to Agile contracting and vendor management, as well as strategies for adapting budgets to changing project requirements. The course will conclude by emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement in Agile budgeting practices and fostering an Agile budgeting culture within your organization.

What are the goals?

By the end of this Coventry Academy training course, participants will be able to:

  • Bridge the gap between Agile project management and budgeting
  • Gain a deep understanding of how to plan, track, and control project budgets in an Agile environment
  • Develop estimation techniques specific to Agile projects 
  • Learn how to track and control Agile project budgets, ensuring transparency and effective budget management throughout the project lifecycle

Who is this training course for?

This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit:

  • Project managers and team leads
  • Finance managers and executives
  • Business analysts
  • Agile coaches and Scrum Masters
  • IT professionals involved in Agile projects
  • Anyone interested in learning Agile project budgeting principles and techniques

Course Outline

Day One: Introduction and Agile Project Budgeting Fundamentals
  • Introduction to the course and overview of Agile project budgeting
  • Understanding the Agile methodology and its impact on project budgeting
  • Key principles of Agile project management and how they relate to budgeting
  • Overview of traditional project budgeting methods and their limitations
  • Agile budgeting frameworks and techniques
  • Case studies and examples of Agile project budgeting in action
Day Two: Agile Estimation Techniques and Budget Planning
  • Estimating project costs in an Agile environment
  • Agile estimation techniques, including story points, relative sizing, and planning poker
  • Determining the level of effort and complexity for Agile projects
  • Building a budget plan for Agile projects, including cost breakdown and resource allocation
  • Strategies for managing uncertainty and risk in Agile project budgeting
  • Practical exercises and group discussions on Agile estimation and budget planning
Day Three: Agile Project Tracking and Budget Control
  • Monitoring and tracking Agile project budget throughout the project lifecycle
  • Agile project metrics for budget control and progress evaluation
  • Tools and techniques for tracking Agile project expenses and resource utilization
  • Agile budget variance analysis and corrective actions
  • Communicating budget status and progress to stakeholders in an Agile context
  • Case studies and real-world examples of Agile project tracking and budget control
Day Four: Agile Contracting and Vendor Management
  • Agile contracting models and their implications for project budgeting
  • Vendor selection and negotiation in Agile projects
  • Agile contract terms and conditions related to budgeting
  • Managing Agile project budgets in a multi-vendor environment
  • Strategies for maintaining transparency and accountability in Agile vendor management
  • Best practices for Agile contract administration and budget oversight
Day Five: Agile Budget Adaptation and Continuous Improvement
  • Adapting and adjusting Agile project budgets as project requirements change
  • Budget re-forecasting and reallocation techniques in Agile projects
  • Agile budget governance and decision-making processes
  • Continuous improvement of Agile project budgeting practices
  • Building an Agile budgeting culture within the organization
  • Review of key concepts and takeaways from the course

The certificate

  • Coventry Academy Certificate of Attendance will be provided to delegates who attend and complete the course

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